sobota, 18. december 2010

The Last One

I've got my feedback. Finally. Just like I wanted it. Or better, need it. It's time to move on. And I have an idea how. So no more of me complaining about my only two problems, with various metaphors. No more pain, sadness and self pity. No more of my writing  about me. It's time I write about others. I am not a protagonist, my characters are. My story should not be told. It is simple, why. I am boring. My protagonists in my head are not. They are worth telling, they are worth the words. No more publishing my work. This stops now. And starts a new era. When my work is intended for me and me only. It has been a fun ride. Finding something that I love. But it's over. It was time to let get out now, when it's still time to not ruin everything. This is my last one. Just like Larry King a few days ago, I am too over with this period in my time. I Larry's King Words:'' Instead of saying good by, how about so long.''

Last time Mike Wood.

četrtek, 16. december 2010

About A Song That Makes Me Feel Funny

I have a song. A song that is making me dance. A song that gives me motivation to write. So you would think it's a fabulous situation for me. But a again, it is not, aren't you bored already. I know I am. So problems start the first time a hear that song. A full house, switching a channel to channel, to see wants on TV. And I click a 79. MTV Hits comes on. And there is this guy, who is, basically what is wrong whit our music these days. Not using instruments, making sounds like they are coming from a bathroom, using his looks to get into the music world. And he dances. Only one thing that is actually good. The guy can't dance, let's give him that. But everyone can be Michael these days. Still it is convincing enough to actually see the damn video, after his showing off of his dance moves. To get back to the story, he was having an interview, talking about his album, and in the back they were showing his video, with out the music. So I said why the hell not. Lets see what they, so called MTV, has produced and give wings to another ''meaning of music''. Try to read it as sarcastically as possible. So a sad down an give MTV ''my precious minutes''.Try to read it as sarcastically as possible too. And a listen to it and watched it. My initial reaction was here we go again. And basically that what it was. Another dud sing and dancing about something, and a fast car was involved and stuff. But the song makes me dance and kinda makes me want to write. So I am kinda embarrassed about it. Yeah...So this was a fun experience reading it, Right? Hehe. Read this with a smile. I have no idea, what the hell I am doing with my life. I mean common, I am here writing about, songs that makes me feel funny. And some people have real problems. Do you know what is the biggest thing that can happen in my day to day activities? I can loose in a video game playing NBA basketball. Ain't that a bitch. And when I do I am really pissed. So...there is no point too this I should really stop writing about now. I'll stop now. Bye! :)

M. Wood

četrtek, 9. december 2010

T-Shirts Sayings

You don't have to be crazy to live here, but it helps.

sreda, 8. december 2010

T-Shirts Sayings

There Is No Room For Demons, If You Are Self Possessed.

An Investment, That Is More Then A Piece A Paper

I get on myself every day. What I mean by that is, I am hard on my self. My injury has digress my progression. In this one is actually physically, not mentally. My job search has started good but quickly ended. You would think that in my profession it's easy to get a job. And your wrong, it's not. Every body is searching for some one young, with little experience, a fast learner. Those are the basics. So you would think that I apply perfectly in to that description. But I don't. Let me explain. My age is the biggest factor. They say they are looking for someone young, yes but that someone young is an age 27 an up. When you are at that age you look more responsible and you gave an impression that you can become a part of a team in month. And you still look like a good investment in the future. With my age, witch is 22, I am a liability. That age says, I want to work, I want to make something out of my self. But it also says, that I am too much of an investment, too much work with me to become a good member of a team. To much mentoring. Do you know what I mean? They want some one young, but a guy that can do it by theme self fast, with not a lot of help by others. And that is hard to achieve if you are 22. You need help. And my number doesn't help there. So I began to think about that a lot. And my response to my ''lady that should help me to find a job'' is if I still don't get a job until February. Why should I say yes to some one who constantly says no? I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life, but why should't I look for an alternative direction.Why should I force my self to that, no, that constantly appears. It is there mistake if they can't see the potential or at least the wish to do it the normal way. It is there loss if they can't see how good an investment I am. I do agree on one think. I do need mentoring and do need extra help. But once that the comfortability zone comes, once I feel confidante, I can shine. Big time. So should I gave up, and try to look for alternative answers? How do I say out loud, that I want to stop saying yes to there no, and star saying no, and try my own way. Or not even my own way, but to try something that is not written on my paper of who I am. I am a chef. But I get the idea it's not in it for me. And everyone only sees what is written on my paper. I am much more then my age and my occupation. I am much more.

Mike Wood

ponedeljek, 6. december 2010

T-Shirts Sayings

 Being A Man Is Living In A Constant Fear Of Disappointing A Woman.