On that winter day, blessed and compelled, I wonder the alone streets of New City. Snow and wind produced the sound of gold. I had no words with hum I could describe the beauty, which was only seen by my eyes. Trying to seek some meaning in it, was a true mistake that I made. Rather to enjoy, I went looking for a bigger thing. A mistake, I will not make twice. Nothing but white, my eyes where gassing on, no foot steps, just simple perfection. Everybody obsessed with perfection, but when it is right in front of there eyes, no body wants to take time to look at it. How I hate one minded people. Nothing can change there life but death. Always the difference maker. Why can't be something simple as that be the problem solver. Nothing will ever change if people that can't limit theme selfs will talk. And that is the easiest thing in the world. Communication. Talk.
Human emotions are a strange weapon, yet very powerful. Experience the present facts as they are. Except, understand and know the in and out of a human emotions. You and your emotions are guiding you through your everyday activities. Don't trust people, trust emotion.
It's a shame to be so great about something that nobody cares about.
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