sreda, 21. oktober 2009


My Mind Works In A Mysterious Ways.
Stvari se dogajajo v moji glavi točno takole:''AAAAAAAAAAAA, Pa drgač gre, mislm tko no? To Be Or Not To Be? Nikoli ne reci nikoli. Zakaj se meni takšne stvari dogajajo? I amo going to make you an offer you can't refuse? Really? Daj mi mir. Samo v Brest ne. Kaj je za kosilo? Olgin Boršč. Ladies and Gentlemen! I have nothing in my hands, nothing up my sleeve. I do have something in my pants but that's not going to help with this particular trick...HE SHOOTS FOR THE WIN... YES, HE HAS DONE IT AGAIN. Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth. What truth? There is no spoon.
Is Something wrong with me? TUCHDOWN Ochocinco! Yeah. So Im gonna buy a gun and start a war. If you can tell me something worth fighting for. Kako ji naj povem? Zakaj mi je tako teško? To bi bil odličen posnetek. Ah drek ne. Nimam kamere. Rabim kamero. Definicija status quo je trenutno stanje normalnosti. Če hočemo kaj postati, jo mora prebiti in postati to kar želimo in ne to kar je normalno. Ain't another woman that can take your spot my-
If I wrote you a symphony,
Just to say how much you mean to me (what would you do?)
If I told you you were beautiful
Would you date me on the regular (tell me, would you?)
Well, baby I've been around the world
But I ain't seen myself another girl (like you)
This ring here represents my heart
But there's just one thing I need from you (say "I do")

Najhuši način, da nekoga pogrešaš je, da sediš poleg njega in veš, da ga nemoreš imeti. Pijača je prokleta. Ma dej budala. I 'm Awesome. That's Right I Sad It, I Mean It, I Am Here To Represend It. I Have Dream, That One Day, One Day...
A Girl My Caught Attention. How Do I Tell Her That? I See Something Is Bottering You? Well Yes It Is.
I'm just a crazy mutherfucker
Livin' it up
Not giving a fuck
Livin' life in the fast lane (life in the fast lane)

I Am Crazy. I Just Know It. Wait... Maybe I Am Not. Maybe It's Just My Brain That Is Crayz. But Wait Michael, doesnt that makes you crayz? Yes it does, dammit.
Did you just talk to your self? Amm... no I wasn't. Ok I was, so what.
I hope people how read this don't think am crazy? O they all redy think that. Your A man from Slovenia, Who's mind thinks and talks not in his native language, but in english.
Ne ne zdaj pa dovolj. Če ste pršli do sem, brez večjih poškodb... Srečno novo leto.
Kajti zdaj vam ni več vrnitve. Zdaj bo bolje, da preberite vse do konca. Mogoče boste kej profteral, mogoče nič. Mogoče kakšno pametno rečem, mogoče ne. No ja seveda bom ne! Kdaj pa še nism kakšno pametno rekel. Sm že kdaj pametno rekel????
Ko rečem ne nekomu, rečem da sebi.
Some things happens for a reason. And some things just happen.
Love is something you can't explain, but you know it when it's there.
You mother fucking cock sucker. Fuck, shit, bitch, cock, balls...''

In to je samo eno popoldne. Eno samo popoldne, je lahko usodno zame in moje ideje. Mogoče se v tem popoldnevu ne vidi nobenih večjih napredkov v razvijanju. A še vedno so potrebni. Poskus prikaza kaj dogaja v meni. Točno to je bilo to. Sem ujet v ta svet. V svet razmišljanja. V tem svetu si sam. Redki so primeri v katerih se lahko dva svetova razmišljanja ujameta in ko se so to najlepše besede na svetu. A na koncu je naj bolj važno, ne to da negdo razume tvoj svet, ampak to da te sprejme takšnega kot si.

Mike W.

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